Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update and RIP DJ

Hey everyone!!!! I'm sorry for my lack of posting): I've been hussy with school and stuff.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!How's everyone enjoying the new year? Mines not off to a good start really. Today,we found out a junior at my school, DJ, passed away in his sleep last night. My school....it was awful today. The second the announcement was made,everything became less brighter. DJ's girlfriend found out for the first time when the announcement was made. It was just awful today. I never met DJ, but seeing how hurt everyone is, it just kills me. Seeing the impact left on this school by DJ, it's amazing. I never knew how big of an impact one person had on the school, until he was gone ): it was sad. Please keep DJ's family in your thoughts and prayers

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Sooooo I knoW I haven't been postin on here in so long. It's cuz I'm posting on me and my cousins blogggg!! I post on that one a lot. We both do. And it's funny. We r looking for more subscribers. So please subscribe. And tell your friends. Link is in another post. THANKSSSSSS

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

eeeeeeepppppppppppppppp!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

Hey guys!!! Kylie here! I'm like, beyond super psyched! Im a big fan of this singer on youtube named payton Rae. (Here's her youtube channel. LOOK HER UP!) http://www.youtube.com/user/PaytonRaeMusic
anyway, she released an EP called 'Dare To Live' and she has these Dare to live leaders (DTL leaders.)  there's over 200, which is HUGE. and on her facebook page today, she was saying she wanted more leaders. She left an email address and i emailed her and i'm now a DTL leader :D Im so excited!!! Anyone heard of this girl? She's got MAJOR talent! Like, she will seriously be famous someday! She's already on CMT.com, and all the reviews of her EP are saying she's the next Taylor Swift.
So, as a DTL leader, i have some responsiblites. One of which is to tell people about Payton (which im doing now.) So if any of you have a twitter, PLEASE sign this twitition to get her on Ellen! :)http://twitition.com/qq72g  PLEAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Pwettyyyyy Pweeaazzzeeeeee?!?!?!?! hehe. And follow her! http://twitter.com/#!/PaytonRaeMusic This is probably boring you guys isnt it? lol. But please do this for me!!! Also, sub to her youtube account and LIKE her Facebook page!

Later guyssss!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

homecomingg :)

Whats up guys? :) so, i got asked to my friends homecoming on Saturday :) and i have my own homecoming in a few weeks, so im super excited! haha. so, have any of you had homecoming yet? (If your in high school) if so, what was it like? Like, the theme and stuff like that. last year our theme was maskurade and this year its like a 20's theme or something like that. haha. anyone got any funny homecoming stories to share either? im in for a laugh. haha.mine is, last year i was stupid and wore 6 inch heals. i was proud of myself for wearing them (And dancing in them) for at least 2 hours before i had to take them off. this year i/ll be smart and wear short heals. haha.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grrrrrrrrr, need help following other blogs!

Okay so i used to know how to follow other blogs. But for some reason, i totally forgot and can't follow my other blog or anyone elses!!! Any help???? PLEASE!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Check out my 2nd blog!!!

sup guys?? :)
sooooooooooooooooooooo, last night my cousins slept over. She's my cousin/sister/bestfriend/object/thingy/gangstaaaaa (Hahaha. she wanted me to put that) and we were bored sooo we made our own blog. we're gonna post as much as we can and post funny moments. its gonna be pretty coool. there's only two posts right now but the one from my cousin is pretty funny cuz she wrote it while on a sugar rush. lol! so, follow my second blog! http://www.amykylie.blogspot.com/
P.S don't worry! im gonna post on here as much as i can too! but its kinda hard with school.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Book:Would you read it???

alright so i was asked to talk about my book thats getting published. so thats what im gonna do :)
The book is a romance. here's the plot, (im gonna try to not give much away!!) its about a girl named Abby who falls in love with a marine who saved her life. a few months after they had been dating, she finds out that her boyfriend is being deployed. during the deployment, something goes wrong but then something goes right
thats basically the plot without reveiling to much.  the title (I know its corny, just bear with me) is called Kissing in the Rain.
im working on 3 more stories that are more thrillers than romances so we'll see how those go.