Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm watching this movie right now. I didn't think it would be so powerful and would actually make me cry.

I always knew cyberbullying was a serious problem. but just seeing this opened my eyes to how horrible it really is. i mean, do people not understand how much words can hurt someone?! i've been bullied before, i know how it feel! i was bullied almost all my life! its awful! it really hurts you!!!! and some people just dont care!!!! bullying really kills you.
Cyberbullyinh is just as bad! probably worse! because once its online, it stays there. nothing you can do will change what you said.  How would you feel if someone hacked your twitter/facebook/myspace and called you a slut, whore, etc? you would feel awful! Yes, some people will just delete the post, say they got hacked, and change their passoword. but not everyone will do that. there are so many teens that committ suicide or attempt it because of what people say! do you seriously want to know that you're the reason someone killed themselves?
if you have a facebook/twitter/myspace trust me, dont add anyone you dont know! Who knows who they are! Who knows what they do?! we dont know! if you have someone on your facebook, myspace, twitter that you dont know, please DELETE THEM!!! i CANNOT stress that enough!!
Please, think before you speak! WHat you say/write online can really hurt someone. you dont know how badly! once its online, you cant undo it or erase it. you can delete it, but you cant erase the damage thats already been done.
Cyberbullying really needs to stop! we can stop it. so please, if you see someone being cyberbullied, or bullied in general, help put a stop to it!! tell someone! you dont know how much of a difference it can make.
Words can hurt.
Don't cyberbully.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, did you forget about us? Post sum morrre! :)
