Saturday, June 4, 2011


wow i never realized how much i use this blog!!! :P lol. now onto todays topic! :)

   I'm the daughter of a marine, a cousin/ niece to tons of other soldiers. I support the military 100%. however, i found out recently that thats not the case for everyone. I grew up around soldiers my whole life. Marines, soldiers in the airforce, navy and army and even the coast gaurd i believe. i could be wrong. i have a big family :P
   My dad is a retired marine. He served 3 tours in Iraq and almost didnt come home his last time. One of his best friends who is also his gunner, didnt come home. Soldiers sacrifice theres lives everyday for our country. They go over seas to protect us knowing very well, they may not come home again. Soldiers are heros! They do so much for us and ask nothing in return. But, you know what is awful?
   Some people actually HATE the troops!!!!!!
  Yep, they HATE them!!! someone even went as far as to make a facebook page called "F*** the troops!!!" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!?!?! Thank God facebook had the group removed. people think of the troops as murderers. Not defenders! yes, they do kill people while over seas. But its considered selfdefense because they are DEFENDING our contry! When i found out people hate the soldiers, it made me want to support them even more. Yesterday i made it official to support them as much as i can. You wanna know why?
    My brother just got sworn into the united states Marine Corps.
   So now not only am i the daughter, cousin and niece of a marine. now im a sister of a marine. :) and i couldnt be any more proud!!! I promised myself that if i became a famous singer/author, i would donate more then half of my money to the USO, trees for troops, the Andy Nowacki FOundation and tones of other charities.
   Do you support the troops too? I hope so. If you know someone who doesn't support the troops, ask them why. And if they say "They're murderers" or anything like that, Please, DEFEND THE TROOPS!!!!! i urge you too!!!! I love the soldiers and will support them until the day i die. WHat about you?

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