Thursday, June 23, 2011

WOW, today was fun!!!!

Sorry its been so long since I last wrote! busy babysitting!!

So today, my best friend came over (She's still over!!) and we went down to the river with my parents and our dog. We started off standing in the river and skipping stones (I could never get over two!!!! Except once and i only got 3. >.<) Then we called over my dog and she starts running through (HI!!!! KYS FRIEND HERE! she left the computer unatended) (thanks Sarah. Thanks a lot. as you can see my friend jacks my computer :P)  Anyway my dog starts running through the river and we start chasing her! we get soaked (luckily we had swimsuits) after my parents came and got the dog, its starts POURING RAIN!!!!!!! so we start running through the river and the rain. We looked for shells, skipped stones, splashed each other....and the best part........THE PARK NEAR THE RIVER HAD SWINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D yes im a teenager and i like to swing.. deal with it!!! and while we were swinging, i was getting a little higher, and i slipped cuz of how wet the seats (and me) were! haha. however, jumping off the swing was funn because how slippery it was!!!! LOL. and we repeated this whole thing until the thunder and lightning started. then we went back to the river and my parents yelled at us to come back over cuz we were leaving. hahah. it was a funnnnnn dayyyyyyyyyyy. summer has officially started for me!!!! (Its been summer for two weeks but summer never officially starts until i do something with my friends)

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