Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

"'For I know the plans i have for you' Declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"

this verse has a lot of meaning. We don't know what God's plan for our life is. but, if we give our lives to God, he will lead us to what he wants us to do. I put my entire life into God's hand a few months ago. I became saved when i was four but i just now put God in charge of my whole life. im praying for what God wants me to do. its insane the ways he works. When i was little, i wanted to be so many things. A singer, and Actress, a teacher, and Artist, a nurse, a nurse in the airforce etc. Never in my life did i think the Lord would give me a huge passion for writing. And ever since i started praying about what God wanted for me, I've been singing every chance i got and i have a huge desire to learn to play the guitar, the drums and piano. Coincidence? maybe. but i doubt it. God has a plan for every single one of us. we have to trust him with our lives. Let him in! Give him TOTAL control over your life! believe me, he will work wonders in your life!!! i can't even tell you how many times God has answered my prayers or done something amazing for me. if you are doing something that you don't think the Lord wants you to do, get a new perspective! God will help you! We may want to do something, but God may have an entirely different plan for us! we don't know his plan, only he does. and we can only find out that plan by letting him in. just a little something to think about

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