Saturday, April 16, 2011

Justin Bieber: Secular songs means not a Christian?!? Whatttt??!?!?!!?

I asked my friend to blog about this, which she did but cause I finally have my own blog, I'm gonna write about it. I'll leave a link to her site later cause I'm on my iPod and can't yet. Lol.

Alright, most of my friends are Bieber haters. Whenever I talk about him, they say "oh my gosh, he's so gay! Why do you like him???" my answer is always the same. "I like him because he has good music, he gives tons to charity and He's a Christian! Why do you hate him?" and they go back to the whole "he's gay" thing. So I was talking to some of my Christian friends who do like Justin. Some asked me the biggest thing I liked about him and my favorite song of his. I said "I love that he's a Born Again Christian and my favorite song is pray and born to be somebody." someone replied to me (this was on a website) and said "if he's a Christian then why is he singing secular songs?" and another said "I agree with (so and so) why is he singing secular music if he's a Christian? If he really is a Christian he should sing music that glorifies the Lord!" another said "I agree with both of them! He should sing Christian music if he is a Christian! I'm not saying he isn't a Christian just cuz he sings secular music." and so many people were saying the same thing!!!

Look, just because he sings secular music doesn't mean a thing!! In an interview, his mom said, she prayed for a long time about Justin becoming a singer after talking to Scooter. She said after praying for weeks and speaking with people from her church, she prayed again. She says, quote "God, surly this can't be your plan for him.' and she said he helped her realize that they were put on this earth for a reason and the. She understood. She asked if they needed to go into the Christian music industry and God helped her understand that this was meant to be and evangelistic thing. If he was went into the Christian music industry, he wouldn't be a light in the world like God wanted. So by going into the pop music industry, he can share his testimony and share his love for the Lord. He's human so he's obviously not perfect. But no one is! He's at least trying. He talks about his faith so much in his book, if you saw his movie, you'll see him pray a lot with his family and friends.

My point here is, just because he sings pop music, doesn't mean he can't be a Christian. He has a reason for singing the music he sings. He really loves the Lord. You can tell! We all need to stop judging people. Especially people we haven't met! It's not our place to judge, it's God's. So lets stop judging Justin and others, and leave the judging up to God.

(i'm on the laptop now so here's the link to my friend's blog.)


  1. ...toatly agree! Doesnt the Bible say NOT to judge others..? :) love it good job! :) thanx for adding my link!! ;)

  2. no problem!!!! and yes it does say to not judge others. its not our responsability and its not our place to judge!
