Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bullying; we need to stop it.

Alright guys, an important topic came to mind a few minutes ago. It's a topic God has really laid on my heart right now.
Bullying is probably one of the worst things going on right now. I mean, bullying is what causes most school shootings! The columbine shooting was on of the worst school shootings in America! And it was caused by bullying! Can you imagine how many lies could've been saved if people never bullied those two guys?
I've experienced bullying first hand, as have millions of others. It's a horrible thing. Let me tell you my story before I get any further into the topic here.
I was bullied at every school I went to except for preschool (as far as I remember) in elementary school (the first one I went to) I was bullied by the same two girls constantly. The reason? Because I have CURLY HAIR!! And did I mention that this was at a Christian school?
Then we moved and my brother and I started going to a new school. It was a public school and the bullying was much much worse. It was so bad that not only did I come home crying everyday, but we ended up going back to the Christian school five weeks later.
At the end of the year, we moved again (we've moved like, 7 times) and we went to a new public schooled. I was afraid because of how bad the bullying had been the last time I was at a public school. But I made amazing friends and I thought the bullying was over. But my dad had been deployed to Iraq and my friends were always there for me. But on valentines day 3rd grade, one kid who sat near me was really taunting me. He kept saying "your dads gonna die. He's not coming home" I actually started crying before one of my friends came over and yelled at him. They went "Shut up! Don't make her feel so bad." it was horrible! but luckily, my friends helped me through it and the kid didnt bother me again.
In 5th grade, i developed a small crush on a guy who was really nice and i liked him. I told my best friend and my 3 most trusted friends. My best friend (at the time) went up to him and asked me if he liked me. but he didnt hear. but, another girl did. and she told two boys who didnt like me for some reason. and they told the entire grade!  everyone was talking about it. i was so embarrassed! my 3 most trusted friends, all helped me out. when i told them that the 'rumor' was spreading they first helped me by making me smile. the went "alright, first put up your hood and take off your glasses" so i did that. my friend made me laugh me grabbing me by the shoulders and yell "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!?!?!?!?!" one of my friends, went over to the boy i liked and said it was just a nasty rumor. which, technically it was. after a few weeks, the rumors died down. only to be picked up near the end of the year! a new girl  found out that i used to like this boy and she started up the rumors again. but this time she told the kid that sat next to me at our table in class. and my crush sat right across from me. and (very loudly) he went "You like (so and so)?!?!" and my crush looked at me like, "WHAT?!??!?!" and goes "(so and so) said that was just a nasty rumor!" and i just went "it was!" and not knowing what else to do, i did the first thing that popped into mind......i went to the clinic faking an upset stomach. (i got in trouble when i got home.)
that same year, my friend who had been my best friend during 4th grade, all of a sudden became a jerk! and she kept ignoring me! so  i asked one of our mutual friends if i did something that upset her, cuz i really had no clue! the next day at recess, she stomps over to me and just yells "I want you to stop bugging my friends about me! Oh, poor me, my former friend does like me anymore! what did i do?! JUST STOP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" and i screamed back "Maybe i would stop bothering OUR friends if i knew what the heck i did!!!!" that day after school i went home sobbing.
Then i got to middle school and you all know what that means: DRAMA! one guy who i barely knew, was spreading a rumor and kept calling me a b**ch. in gym class, i told my friend i never had a boyfriend so he just said, "So you're gay?" i almost punched him. i WOULD HAVE if our teacher hadnt been standing right there! that was just the emotional bullying tho. in 6th grade, we were at the library and some jerk behind went "I WANT MY BEAN BAG CHAIR!", and SHOVED me out of the way just to get to a stupid bean bag chair. but that wasnt really an issue, considering a told my brother who found the kid and basically threatened to break his arm if he hit/hurt me again. but, thats older brothers for ya. gotta love them :) my brother is very protective of me :)
and high school, talk talk talk, rumors rumors rumors, you can probably understand that.

my point is, i was bullied a lot. and people have gone through WAY more bullying then i have.  Some are labled as gay by everyone just because of their voices (celeb examples, Justin Bieber, Jesse McCartney, Nick Jonas, need i go on?) some kids dont really even talk to people. yesterday, on the news there was a story about two girls who committed suicide at a sleepover because they were bullied. one of the girls were actually expelled from school because she stood up for her friend who was being bullied! can you believe that?! there are so many stories about teens who cut, or even end their own lives because they're bullied so much. its a horrible thing. my own cousin bullied me because i want to become a singer. and one day while i was outside with her and it was really hot i went "im so hot!" and she went "no your not." basically saying, your ugly. imagine how i felt. and that was my own cousin! so imagine if someone who you dont even know said that to you! rumors spread about kids being fat, gay, stupid or retarded, etc. sometimes its true, but thats no reason to make fun of them! we arent alone tho. everyone one has been bullied at one point or another. listen to this list of celebraties! Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Ellen, Jaden and Willow Smith, Anna Kendrick, and theres more. thats just the people i reconized. heres a video of some celebs standing up against it

Look at Demi Lovato! She went into rehab because of something bullies caused. they called her fat, which caused her to become anorexic and bulimic. she also cut. and she ended up in rehab. look, the point is, bullying needs to stop. we all need to help stop it. here is the link to a website that is trying to help stop bullying. i really encourage you to look at it.

im also gonna leave links to videos on bullying that my school did.

(Yeah, theres a lot. but they're worth watching. trust me.)

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