Tuesday, May 3, 2011

General Hospital brought my attention to a very important subject pt 1

 Alright, so this is basically one of my favorite shows. Yes its a soap opera but thats why i like it. its so dramatic! Plus, it brings your attention to very important subjects. Like it did to me, for a few subjects. but i'll post those later.
Kristina and her mother
i've been on youtube for a couple hours, on and off. i was watching clips of different episodes that i have missed. and cuz its a soap opera, it only shows the same episode about 3 times. the day it airs, that night, and that sunday. so i was just getting caught up on some of the episodes that aired a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time ago.
          In the clips of the episode i was watching, a girl named Kristina, the daughter of one of the main characters, Sonny Corinthos, was in a bad relationship. Sonny's daughter, Kristina ended up in the hospital after her boyfriend beat her up. She had gone to a casino, owned by her dads friend to meet someone there and the guy she was meeting, yelled at her saying that she was way to young for him and she was to young to be in the casino. now, he was only yelling, he gently took her arm so she understood what he was saying and then she left. Her sister found her at another restaurant and talked to her. her sister saw a bruise on her arm and said, 'i've been through abuse now who grabbed you?" and Kristina told her it was the guy who threw her out of the casino. So her older sister took her home and talked to her for a little bit, then left to go to the casino to talk to the guy Kristina claimed grabbed her. Then her boyfriend got there and she let him in and he started yelling at her for canceling on him for this important party that he had been invited to from guys at Harvard. Then he just started to hit her! He got scared and went "you see what you made me do? why do just  have to make me so mad?!" and he left. not to long after he left, did the guy from the casino, Ethan come over to talk. He found her on the ground and went to help her, and she swung her arm at him because she was afraid it was her boyfriend. He took her to the hospital and the doctors called her mom and her dad.
Kristina and her Father Sonny
         When asked who did this to her, she blamed Ethan. The reason she blamed him, was because she was afraid that her father would kill her boyfriend if he found out. She still thought her boyfriend loved her, even tho he nearly killed her. a few weeks after she was released from the hospital, she dropped the charges on the Ethan. But her half brother, who was investigating the case, began to suspect ,along with the other cop on the case and her aunt, that her boyfriend was the true attacker. Her half brother told her that if she dropped the charges, her attacker was likely to attack again. But she dropped the charges anyway. sure enough a day or two later (not sure, never saw the episodes actually air) her boyfriend showed up telling her to reinstate the charges. She realized that she had been wrong in blaming Ethan and refused, so her boyfriend beat her up again. he ran out of the house, the same time her mom was walking up the driveway. Her half brother talked to her after she woke up and asked her if it was her boyfriend. and she trusted him enough to tell the truth and explained it had been her boyfriend the entire time.
Kristina tells her Half Brother Dante who attacked her

now, theres a point to this, i promise!!!!

The point is, if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, dont be afraid to tell someone. I know someone who was abused. actually, i know a few. Luckily they were all saved. but thats not the case with others. some people are killed from there abusers. weather its their, gf, bf or even there parents or family members. No matter what you do wrong, no one should ever lay there hands on you! i've promised my parents that if a guy ever hits me or anything like that, i'll break up with him and NEVER give him a second chance. im not asking you people to promise me, but i want you to consider this. guys too!!  If you or someone you know are in a abusive relationship, im literally begging you, tell someone!!! Show them this blog!!! Let them know that whats happening to them is not okay! and to get help! because you never know, one day, it might be to late. and if you think you may be in a  abusive relationship, go to this website.

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