Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Hospital brought my attention to a really important subject pt2 'Alcoholism'

Here's part two of subjects that General hospital brought my attention to. Todays subject is alcohol.
Lucky talks to his dad about drinking.
Right now, One of the story lines going on in the show (soap operas have like, five different ones at a time) is, one of the main characters Lucky, his son was hit by a car on accident. And after two episodes, they found out his own father was the driver. Now it was an accident, but lucky had noticed his dad had a few drink that night. So he asked if he was drunk. His dad became in denial saying, "I'm not an alcoholic! I only had two drinks! I wasn't drunk!" and when his dad found out he was the driver, he freaked out and kept drinking and drinking and drinking!! He went like, two weeks (episode wise) drinking the entire time. He was stone cold drunk!! Now, i know how in the bible it says, 'drink to get rid of a heavy heart" but he really went overboard. not only was he drinking so much, but he became suicidal. he owns a casino, which is where he spends most of his time to drink, and he was throwing all of his alcoholic drinks everywhere, drentching the place with alcohol. then he poured gasoline everywhere and was gonna set the place ablaze! he would have if his daughter hadnt come in on time.
    So Lucky's family set up an intervention. they all told him how his alcohol was affecting them and what they would do if he didnt accept treatment. even tho they all said that if he didnt accept treatment, there would be no further contact, he still refuses to accept treatment.
   Alcoholism is a serious issue. Now, my dad is a marine so he does drink alot when hes with his marine friends. but thats only about 4/5 times a year. So those days i dont care if he drinks because i know it wont get bad, and i honestly dont care if he has a drink with dinner or during a movie. but he knows his limits.
   How ever, there are a lot of people who dont know there limits. there are so many people who are alcoholics and cause them to do really stupid things. Most teenagers think drinking is sooooooo cool.  well NEWS FLASH PEOPLE!!!!!!!! its not!!! Drinking is a serious problem with our country. My brother has a few 'friends' who all got busted for drinking in the woods underage. underage drinking causes car accidents which is the most common death for people between 15-20 years old. more then 5,000 drivers UNDER 21 were arrested last year for underage drinking. and the numbers keep on rising. Parents can give there teenager drinks in there own home, which is what my dad does with my bro. my bro asks him if he can have a drink with him and they stay in the living room and talk while having a drink. THATS OKAY!!!! as long as the parent doesnt let there teenager out of the house after a drink.
  Alcohol can kill you eventually. It can mess up your mind. it can cause a drug addiction. yes, alcohol IS a drug! theres no cure for alcoholism. it can destroy your liver.  it can get you into trouble, obviously. it can hurt your heart. (this is one of the reasons i dont drink. my heart is already messed up and i dont wanna mess it up further) For girls, if your drink while pregnant, your child can be affected by it. my friends mom drank while she was pregnant with her and now her legs are messed up. Every five seconds, a teenager has a drug or alcohol related car accident.12,000 young americans die from underage drinking and driving. Alcohol makes you act stupid and the worst thing is IT CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!! (YES, I ALREADY MENTIONED THIS BUT I DONT CARE. ITS IMPORTANT!!!) 3 people in america alone die every day from alcohol overdoses.
    Now, do you really wanna risk these things happening to you or someone you love?? is it really worth it? just think about the facts i just wrote. drinking is NOT worth it!!!


  1. Every 15 minutes, someone dies relating to a drug or alcohol accident. sorry, had to say that, my church sponsors every 15 min. for the local schools

  2. its fine! i just got these facts from a website so im not saying all of them are completely acurate. lol
