Friday, May 20, 2011

May 21st: LOAD OF CRAP!

Alright, im in my personal financial literacy class right now (we're in the computer lab but our stock website is down so im on here waiting for it to come back up. lol) and EVERYONE is talking about how the world will 'end' tomorrow. heres the deal.
No on knows when the world is gonna end!!!Only God knows! And besides, even if the rapture happens tomorrow, it only means that all born again people will be taken up to Heaven. and then there will be '7 years of peace' with the anti Christ.
So the whole rumor about May 21st is a load of crap!!! it's actually making me anghry that so many people believe it. Because even if God does rapture us tomorrow, not everyone will go up. the rest of the world will be down here on earth for 7 more years of what they think of as peace.
i apologize if people think this is to harsh, but seriously. Where do they come up with this crap???? people are still freaking out about 2011. again, that wont happen!!!!

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