Friday, May 27, 2011

Seniors last day=TONS OF TEARS!!!

Some of you can probably relate to this! Today was the seniors last day. In choir we were all taking pictures with them. But then one of them starts sobbing. Then another. Soon, another is. These three girls I got super close to and now they're leaving!!! So when I went over to one of them, I have her a huge hug. And she's sobbing so naturally I started crying a little. I'm in my personal finance class and still fighting back tears. I'm gonna miss them all sooooooo much!!!!!!!!! :,( this sucks. I got two videos in choir of one of the seniors playing the piano and the rest of the seniors (plus me and another friend) were all singing 'Lean of me' then another of two seniors who are best friends singing 'never alone' yeah. More tears. Choir was rough today. At lunch I texted my mom and go '5 ppl just asked me why I'm crying! The seniors are leaving! :,(" and my mom just said 'I'm so sorry! I love you' basically what moms say. I'LL MISS YOU SENIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 MHS CONCERT CHOIR LOVES YOU! WE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A FAMILY!!!!


  1. Ahhh... U made me cry! ;( have fun seniors! :)

  2. Sorry! Didn't mean too! But I cried alot yesterday. Finally mom just went 'stop it. Ur fine." lol
