Friday, May 20, 2011

Texting and driving: it can wait.

Texting and driving is a huge problem. no one can really deny that. It kills so many people. about a year ago my mom showed me a video on facebook about texting and driving. in the video it showed a girl and two of her friends driving down the freeway. the triver was texting and accidently went into the other lane and caused a three car crash. her two friends died, the driver of one of the other cars died, and the baby of the last car died. i think the parents in the last car died too but im not sure. see? 8 lives were affected by one simple text that shouldnt have been sent in the first place!!!! I made a pledge that when i start driving, i wont text and drive. and whenever my mom or dad or brother take there phones out while they're driving, i say 'give it to me. i'll text/call the person for you.' my parents are gettying better at not texting and driving but my brother isnt really changing at all. even after he saw the pledge i made hung up on my wall. i've told him a story of a girl named Alex Brown who died in a single car crash because of a text. her family Created the Remember Alex Brown foundation and that's where i signed my pledge. i'm going to keep my pledge too. but there are so many kids at my school that dont care and text and drive. they dont care that one simple text can end someone elses life or even there own. people dont get it! Texting and driving is a serious problem that shouldn't even be considered!! Do you want to end your life or someone elses??? do you really? because i dont. if you want to take the pledge i took, go to google and type in 'Remember Alex Brown Foundation' there website will be there and you can find where to take the pledge. i hope one day that R.A.B will come to my school and talk to everone about texting and driving. they could get through to a lot of people. R.A.B is also on facebook, with a link to there website.
Please do me this favor and check out this website. it'll show you exactly how dangerous texting and driving is. Dnt txt N drv!!

heres there website


  1. I read somewhere that 28% of car crashes are due to texting and driving. My point is- the other 78% of car crashes are caused by something else. Also-if you can't text and drive- why should you be able to do anything else-change the radio, put a CD in, eat a burger, etc.

  2. I totally agree with you! I just wrote about texting and driving because my brother does it. It does play with the radio too but that's it. He rarely eta anything while driving and he has me put CDs in for him. But like I said, I agree. Anything like that can be dangerous while driving
