Saturday, November 5, 2011


Sooooo I knoW I haven't been postin on here in so long. It's cuz I'm posting on me and my cousins blogggg!! I post on that one a lot. We both do. And it's funny. We r looking for more subscribers. So please subscribe. And tell your friends. Link is in another post. THANKSSSSSS

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

eeeeeeepppppppppppppppp!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

Hey guys!!! Kylie here! I'm like, beyond super psyched! Im a big fan of this singer on youtube named payton Rae. (Here's her youtube channel. LOOK HER UP!)
anyway, she released an EP called 'Dare To Live' and she has these Dare to live leaders (DTL leaders.)  there's over 200, which is HUGE. and on her facebook page today, she was saying she wanted more leaders. She left an email address and i emailed her and i'm now a DTL leader :D Im so excited!!! Anyone heard of this girl? She's got MAJOR talent! Like, she will seriously be famous someday! She's already on, and all the reviews of her EP are saying she's the next Taylor Swift.
So, as a DTL leader, i have some responsiblites. One of which is to tell people about Payton (which im doing now.) So if any of you have a twitter, PLEASE sign this twitition to get her on Ellen! :)  PLEAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Pwettyyyyy Pweeaazzzeeeeee?!?!?!?! hehe. And follow her!!/PaytonRaeMusic This is probably boring you guys isnt it? lol. But please do this for me!!! Also, sub to her youtube account and LIKE her Facebook page!

Later guyssss!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

homecomingg :)

Whats up guys? :) so, i got asked to my friends homecoming on Saturday :) and i have my own homecoming in a few weeks, so im super excited! haha. so, have any of you had homecoming yet? (If your in high school) if so, what was it like? Like, the theme and stuff like that. last year our theme was maskurade and this year its like a 20's theme or something like that. haha. anyone got any funny homecoming stories to share either? im in for a laugh. haha.mine is, last year i was stupid and wore 6 inch heals. i was proud of myself for wearing them (And dancing in them) for at least 2 hours before i had to take them off. this year i/ll be smart and wear short heals. haha.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grrrrrrrrr, need help following other blogs!

Okay so i used to know how to follow other blogs. But for some reason, i totally forgot and can't follow my other blog or anyone elses!!! Any help???? PLEASE!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Check out my 2nd blog!!!

sup guys?? :)
sooooooooooooooooooooo, last night my cousins slept over. She's my cousin/sister/bestfriend/object/thingy/gangstaaaaa (Hahaha. she wanted me to put that) and we were bored sooo we made our own blog. we're gonna post as much as we can and post funny moments. its gonna be pretty coool. there's only two posts right now but the one from my cousin is pretty funny cuz she wrote it while on a sugar rush. lol! so, follow my second blog!
P.S don't worry! im gonna post on here as much as i can too! but its kinda hard with school.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Book:Would you read it???

alright so i was asked to talk about my book thats getting published. so thats what im gonna do :)
The book is a romance. here's the plot, (im gonna try to not give much away!!) its about a girl named Abby who falls in love with a marine who saved her life. a few months after they had been dating, she finds out that her boyfriend is being deployed. during the deployment, something goes wrong but then something goes right
thats basically the plot without reveiling to much.  the title (I know its corny, just bear with me) is called Kissing in the Rain.
im working on 3 more stories that are more thrillers than romances so we'll see how those go.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Any writers on here??

Heyyy!!!! Soooo, i have really cool news!!! one of the reasons i havent been on here much is because i'm writing a few books. I've been really busy editing one and i found out that its getting published!!!!! :D :D :D im so excited!! so that means two things.
1)i'm not gonna be on here much :/
2)im gonna be writing alot more books.
Im thinking of writing a preview of the book on here but im wondering what you think, so let me know :)

Do any of you like to write?? If you do, what do youlike to write about?? i'd love some feedback!! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Switched At Birth

who watches this show? I LOVE it!! i just watched the season finale. i love learning new signs in the show!! its so cool to learn. :) *SPOILER* i almost cried at the end of the season finale when Emmet spoke to Bay. i thought that was SO SWEET!!! i love this show!!! When i started watching it, i wanted to start learning sign language. Then i found out my dad knows sign landuage AND NEVER TOLD ME!!!!! and turns out my cousin's half sister (her half sister isnt my cousin anymore) is deaf and has a coalear implant (Or however you spell it!) but i was so little the last time i saw her that i dont remember!!! but im still having dad teach my ASL anyway. Does anyone else on here know sign language?
Back tot the show, i dont like Daphne and Emmet together. i like him and bay together!!! I think Daphne would be better with that blonde guy. (forgot his name) i mean i know that shes known Emmet longer but i like him and bay together :)
What do you guys think of this show?

Summer 2011!!

Summer 2011 is wrapping up :( what did you all do this summer?
I havent done much. Babysat, hung out with friends, been writing stories (I LOVE to write!! lol) learned to drive (Work in progress. haha) and got my braces off. :D
gotta love summertime! theres only like, two weeks left for me. :/ but i dont have to babysit much so im happy! what did you all do this summer?

Sorry!!! :/

heyy!!! sorry i havent been on in a while! i've been babysitting!!! so i'm gonna write two posts tonight and i'll try to write more next week. sorry for the delay!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm watching this movie right now. I didn't think it would be so powerful and would actually make me cry.

I always knew cyberbullying was a serious problem. but just seeing this opened my eyes to how horrible it really is. i mean, do people not understand how much words can hurt someone?! i've been bullied before, i know how it feel! i was bullied almost all my life! its awful! it really hurts you!!!! and some people just dont care!!!! bullying really kills you.
Cyberbullyinh is just as bad! probably worse! because once its online, it stays there. nothing you can do will change what you said.  How would you feel if someone hacked your twitter/facebook/myspace and called you a slut, whore, etc? you would feel awful! Yes, some people will just delete the post, say they got hacked, and change their passoword. but not everyone will do that. there are so many teens that committ suicide or attempt it because of what people say! do you seriously want to know that you're the reason someone killed themselves?
if you have a facebook/twitter/myspace trust me, dont add anyone you dont know! Who knows who they are! Who knows what they do?! we dont know! if you have someone on your facebook, myspace, twitter that you dont know, please DELETE THEM!!! i CANNOT stress that enough!!
Please, think before you speak! WHat you say/write online can really hurt someone. you dont know how badly! once its online, you cant undo it or erase it. you can delete it, but you cant erase the damage thats already been done.
Cyberbullying really needs to stop! we can stop it. so please, if you see someone being cyberbullied, or bullied in general, help put a stop to it!! tell someone! you dont know how much of a difference it can make.
Words can hurt.
Don't cyberbully.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony

I. Am. BEYOND. Discusted!!!!

This woman CONFESSED that she killed her daughter and she was found NOT GUILTY of murder????? the only thing she was found guilty of was lying to a cop! i know for a fact that im not the only one discusted by this. let me tell you one thing, when i found out that she was found not guilty, i turned to mom and went "Thats the last time I EVER follow a case!! I'll stick to mystery novels! they're over quicker"

i still cant believe this. Casey Anthony is now a free woman for a crime she committed and her two years old duaghter paid the price. The court says Caylee's death was an accident. I dont understand how, but whatever. Im never following a case like this again. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, June 23, 2011

WOW, today was fun!!!!

Sorry its been so long since I last wrote! busy babysitting!!

So today, my best friend came over (She's still over!!) and we went down to the river with my parents and our dog. We started off standing in the river and skipping stones (I could never get over two!!!! Except once and i only got 3. >.<) Then we called over my dog and she starts running through (HI!!!! KYS FRIEND HERE! she left the computer unatended) (thanks Sarah. Thanks a lot. as you can see my friend jacks my computer :P)  Anyway my dog starts running through the river and we start chasing her! we get soaked (luckily we had swimsuits) after my parents came and got the dog, its starts POURING RAIN!!!!!!! so we start running through the river and the rain. We looked for shells, skipped stones, splashed each other....and the best part........THE PARK NEAR THE RIVER HAD SWINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D yes im a teenager and i like to swing.. deal with it!!! and while we were swinging, i was getting a little higher, and i slipped cuz of how wet the seats (and me) were! haha. however, jumping off the swing was funn because how slippery it was!!!! LOL. and we repeated this whole thing until the thunder and lightning started. then we went back to the river and my parents yelled at us to come back over cuz we were leaving. hahah. it was a funnnnnn dayyyyyyyyyyy. summer has officially started for me!!!! (Its been summer for two weeks but summer never officially starts until i do something with my friends)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


wow i never realized how much i use this blog!!! :P lol. now onto todays topic! :)

   I'm the daughter of a marine, a cousin/ niece to tons of other soldiers. I support the military 100%. however, i found out recently that thats not the case for everyone. I grew up around soldiers my whole life. Marines, soldiers in the airforce, navy and army and even the coast gaurd i believe. i could be wrong. i have a big family :P
   My dad is a retired marine. He served 3 tours in Iraq and almost didnt come home his last time. One of his best friends who is also his gunner, didnt come home. Soldiers sacrifice theres lives everyday for our country. They go over seas to protect us knowing very well, they may not come home again. Soldiers are heros! They do so much for us and ask nothing in return. But, you know what is awful?
   Some people actually HATE the troops!!!!!!
  Yep, they HATE them!!! someone even went as far as to make a facebook page called "F*** the troops!!!" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!?!?! Thank God facebook had the group removed. people think of the troops as murderers. Not defenders! yes, they do kill people while over seas. But its considered selfdefense because they are DEFENDING our contry! When i found out people hate the soldiers, it made me want to support them even more. Yesterday i made it official to support them as much as i can. You wanna know why?
    My brother just got sworn into the united states Marine Corps.
   So now not only am i the daughter, cousin and niece of a marine. now im a sister of a marine. :) and i couldnt be any more proud!!! I promised myself that if i became a famous singer/author, i would donate more then half of my money to the USO, trees for troops, the Andy Nowacki FOundation and tones of other charities.
   Do you support the troops too? I hope so. If you know someone who doesn't support the troops, ask them why. And if they say "They're murderers" or anything like that, Please, DEFEND THE TROOPS!!!!! i urge you too!!!! I love the soldiers and will support them until the day i die. WHat about you?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Selena Gomez

So this is obviously gonna be about Selena Gomez. Mostly about the hate she's getting. People, just because she's famous doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings!!! She's only Human, just like all of us! She could be a lot worse but do you hatred realize how much she gives back???? She loves all of her fans and unlike a lot of other singers, she's staying good. im not hating on anyone but at her age, Brittany spears was starting to go down the bad path. Her and miley cyrus are the same age and Miley is..... well i dont really know how to explain it. look at her pictures! Miley took all of these pictures that got leaked. Selena never did that. Neither did demi lovato! Her and Demi lovato stayed good. well, Demi cut and went to rehab for anorexia but that was because of bullies. anyway, the point is, she doesnt deserve this hate. and you know the main reason she's getting tons of hate right now? Because she's dating Justin Bieber.
SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?!?!?!! If you're really Justin's fan, you'll let them be happy. i wasnt to crazy about them dating at first either but i never hated on them! stop making hate pages on facebook and twitter! Stop calling her 'Slutlena Homez' 'Selena Slutmez' and 'Selena homez' SHE READS ALL OF THIS STUFF!!!!!!!!! she said in interviews that she is to avoid haters but it doesnt alway work. i realize not everyone is haters. but if you are, just listen. How would you feel if millions of people that you didnt even know hated you for no reason? It would hurt wouldnt it?? And it hurts her. Just because she's a celebrity doesnt mean she doesnt have feelings. She's not made of stone! She actually reads comments on her twitter and facebook. She gets threats from haters over her twitter for the stupidest reasons. She got tons of death threats when she started dating justin. guys, please just think before you say something!!!! all haters are technically cyberbullying her (if they send her messages on twitter/facebook) and other haters are just bullying in general. just think about this. Would you like to be treated this way? No!!! So treat her the way you would want to be treated. WITH RESPECT!!!!

Seniors last day=TONS OF TEARS!!!

Some of you can probably relate to this! Today was the seniors last day. In choir we were all taking pictures with them. But then one of them starts sobbing. Then another. Soon, another is. These three girls I got super close to and now they're leaving!!! So when I went over to one of them, I have her a huge hug. And she's sobbing so naturally I started crying a little. I'm in my personal finance class and still fighting back tears. I'm gonna miss them all sooooooo much!!!!!!!!! :,( this sucks. I got two videos in choir of one of the seniors playing the piano and the rest of the seniors (plus me and another friend) were all singing 'Lean of me' then another of two seniors who are best friends singing 'never alone' yeah. More tears. Choir was rough today. At lunch I texted my mom and go '5 ppl just asked me why I'm crying! The seniors are leaving! :,(" and my mom just said 'I'm so sorry! I love you' basically what moms say. I'LL MISS YOU SENIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 MHS CONCERT CHOIR LOVES YOU! WE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A FAMILY!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Texting and driving: it can wait.

Texting and driving is a huge problem. no one can really deny that. It kills so many people. about a year ago my mom showed me a video on facebook about texting and driving. in the video it showed a girl and two of her friends driving down the freeway. the triver was texting and accidently went into the other lane and caused a three car crash. her two friends died, the driver of one of the other cars died, and the baby of the last car died. i think the parents in the last car died too but im not sure. see? 8 lives were affected by one simple text that shouldnt have been sent in the first place!!!! I made a pledge that when i start driving, i wont text and drive. and whenever my mom or dad or brother take there phones out while they're driving, i say 'give it to me. i'll text/call the person for you.' my parents are gettying better at not texting and driving but my brother isnt really changing at all. even after he saw the pledge i made hung up on my wall. i've told him a story of a girl named Alex Brown who died in a single car crash because of a text. her family Created the Remember Alex Brown foundation and that's where i signed my pledge. i'm going to keep my pledge too. but there are so many kids at my school that dont care and text and drive. they dont care that one simple text can end someone elses life or even there own. people dont get it! Texting and driving is a serious problem that shouldn't even be considered!! Do you want to end your life or someone elses??? do you really? because i dont. if you want to take the pledge i took, go to google and type in 'Remember Alex Brown Foundation' there website will be there and you can find where to take the pledge. i hope one day that R.A.B will come to my school and talk to everone about texting and driving. they could get through to a lot of people. R.A.B is also on facebook, with a link to there website.
Please do me this favor and check out this website. it'll show you exactly how dangerous texting and driving is. Dnt txt N drv!!

heres there website

May 21st: LOAD OF CRAP!

Alright, im in my personal financial literacy class right now (we're in the computer lab but our stock website is down so im on here waiting for it to come back up. lol) and EVERYONE is talking about how the world will 'end' tomorrow. heres the deal.
No on knows when the world is gonna end!!!Only God knows! And besides, even if the rapture happens tomorrow, it only means that all born again people will be taken up to Heaven. and then there will be '7 years of peace' with the anti Christ.
So the whole rumor about May 21st is a load of crap!!! it's actually making me anghry that so many people believe it. Because even if God does rapture us tomorrow, not everyone will go up. the rest of the world will be down here on earth for 7 more years of what they think of as peace.
i apologize if people think this is to harsh, but seriously. Where do they come up with this crap???? people are still freaking out about 2011. again, that wont happen!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Hospital brought my attention to a really important subject pt2 'Alcoholism'

Here's part two of subjects that General hospital brought my attention to. Todays subject is alcohol.
Lucky talks to his dad about drinking.
Right now, One of the story lines going on in the show (soap operas have like, five different ones at a time) is, one of the main characters Lucky, his son was hit by a car on accident. And after two episodes, they found out his own father was the driver. Now it was an accident, but lucky had noticed his dad had a few drink that night. So he asked if he was drunk. His dad became in denial saying, "I'm not an alcoholic! I only had two drinks! I wasn't drunk!" and when his dad found out he was the driver, he freaked out and kept drinking and drinking and drinking!! He went like, two weeks (episode wise) drinking the entire time. He was stone cold drunk!! Now, i know how in the bible it says, 'drink to get rid of a heavy heart" but he really went overboard. not only was he drinking so much, but he became suicidal. he owns a casino, which is where he spends most of his time to drink, and he was throwing all of his alcoholic drinks everywhere, drentching the place with alcohol. then he poured gasoline everywhere and was gonna set the place ablaze! he would have if his daughter hadnt come in on time.
    So Lucky's family set up an intervention. they all told him how his alcohol was affecting them and what they would do if he didnt accept treatment. even tho they all said that if he didnt accept treatment, there would be no further contact, he still refuses to accept treatment.
   Alcoholism is a serious issue. Now, my dad is a marine so he does drink alot when hes with his marine friends. but thats only about 4/5 times a year. So those days i dont care if he drinks because i know it wont get bad, and i honestly dont care if he has a drink with dinner or during a movie. but he knows his limits.
   How ever, there are a lot of people who dont know there limits. there are so many people who are alcoholics and cause them to do really stupid things. Most teenagers think drinking is sooooooo cool.  well NEWS FLASH PEOPLE!!!!!!!! its not!!! Drinking is a serious problem with our country. My brother has a few 'friends' who all got busted for drinking in the woods underage. underage drinking causes car accidents which is the most common death for people between 15-20 years old. more then 5,000 drivers UNDER 21 were arrested last year for underage drinking. and the numbers keep on rising. Parents can give there teenager drinks in there own home, which is what my dad does with my bro. my bro asks him if he can have a drink with him and they stay in the living room and talk while having a drink. THATS OKAY!!!! as long as the parent doesnt let there teenager out of the house after a drink.
  Alcohol can kill you eventually. It can mess up your mind. it can cause a drug addiction. yes, alcohol IS a drug! theres no cure for alcoholism. it can destroy your liver.  it can get you into trouble, obviously. it can hurt your heart. (this is one of the reasons i dont drink. my heart is already messed up and i dont wanna mess it up further) For girls, if your drink while pregnant, your child can be affected by it. my friends mom drank while she was pregnant with her and now her legs are messed up. Every five seconds, a teenager has a drug or alcohol related car accident.12,000 young americans die from underage drinking and driving. Alcohol makes you act stupid and the worst thing is IT CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!! (YES, I ALREADY MENTIONED THIS BUT I DONT CARE. ITS IMPORTANT!!!) 3 people in america alone die every day from alcohol overdoses.
    Now, do you really wanna risk these things happening to you or someone you love?? is it really worth it? just think about the facts i just wrote. drinking is NOT worth it!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Galations 2:20

'I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer i who lives but Christ lives within me........"

This verse defines me perfectly. I accepted God when i was 4 years old, but i didnt find this verse until 7th grade.  Basically what it means is, once you give you life to God, you are no longer living alone. Christ lives in your heart forever and always. And once you accept Christ, he will never abandon you. You may stray away from him, but he'll always be with you. You live by Faith and the son of God. Because he loves you and he gave himself for you! God truely loves you, no matter what you may think. Its your choice to believe in him or not, im just telling you what i believe. this verse has made a very big impact on my life. I love it and its the verse i live by, besides Jeremiah 29:11.  its a very inspiring verse and i hope you enjoy it!

Sorry this post is short, i've got a slight headache.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden's death

When I found out Osama bin Laden was finally killed, I couldn't help but be relieved. Most of the world are only happy about his death because he was the terrorist that ordered the attack on 9/11. But for me and my family, it's much more. My dad is a retired marine and served in Iraq 3 times. His 3rd time, on Feburary 26,2005 he, and two other marines were driving down the road in their humvee in Iraq. Hi gunner was obviously working the gun and the other marine was driving. But my dads humvee, hit an IED(roadside bomb) Osama Bin Laden sent someone to plant those IED's!!!!!!! And because of Osama Bin Laden, my dads gunner was killed! And my dad almost died along with his gunner! So when we found out Osmama was killed, I was so unbelievably relieved. But when I got to school, kids were making jokes about Osama and how he died. I just blew it off. But then I got home and was watching the news with my parents. The parents of my dads gunner were on the news, talking about Osama bin Laden's death. We expected them to be super happy that he wouldn't be hurting anyone else ever again. But that wasn't the case at all. Yes, they were relieved but they were disappointed that Americans were celebrating Osama's death. The gunners dad said, quote "if we are celebrating the death of this man, then we are no better then he is" and he's right. Did he get what he deserved? Yes. He mass murdered millions. His death is being compared to Hitlers!! But, if you think about it, if we run around chanting "USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!! OSAMA'S DEAD!!!" the. We are no better then Osama bin laden himself. Yes, I'm very proud to be an American, but I'm defiantly not proud of the way most Americans are acting about this. I feel sorry for Osama because even tho his actions almost killed my father, Osama is the one who is burning in He'll for the rest of eternity. Americans, please don't celebrate this death. Because this death has just put us in further danger. Osama's people are not happy and very soon someone will be taking his place. And I don't want this country attacked again.
God Bless America!!!!

General Hospital brought my attention to a very important subject pt 1

 Alright, so this is basically one of my favorite shows. Yes its a soap opera but thats why i like it. its so dramatic! Plus, it brings your attention to very important subjects. Like it did to me, for a few subjects. but i'll post those later.
Kristina and her mother
i've been on youtube for a couple hours, on and off. i was watching clips of different episodes that i have missed. and cuz its a soap opera, it only shows the same episode about 3 times. the day it airs, that night, and that sunday. so i was just getting caught up on some of the episodes that aired a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time ago.
          In the clips of the episode i was watching, a girl named Kristina, the daughter of one of the main characters, Sonny Corinthos, was in a bad relationship. Sonny's daughter, Kristina ended up in the hospital after her boyfriend beat her up. She had gone to a casino, owned by her dads friend to meet someone there and the guy she was meeting, yelled at her saying that she was way to young for him and she was to young to be in the casino. now, he was only yelling, he gently took her arm so she understood what he was saying and then she left. Her sister found her at another restaurant and talked to her. her sister saw a bruise on her arm and said, 'i've been through abuse now who grabbed you?" and Kristina told her it was the guy who threw her out of the casino. So her older sister took her home and talked to her for a little bit, then left to go to the casino to talk to the guy Kristina claimed grabbed her. Then her boyfriend got there and she let him in and he started yelling at her for canceling on him for this important party that he had been invited to from guys at Harvard. Then he just started to hit her! He got scared and went "you see what you made me do? why do just  have to make me so mad?!" and he left. not to long after he left, did the guy from the casino, Ethan come over to talk. He found her on the ground and went to help her, and she swung her arm at him because she was afraid it was her boyfriend. He took her to the hospital and the doctors called her mom and her dad.
Kristina and her Father Sonny
         When asked who did this to her, she blamed Ethan. The reason she blamed him, was because she was afraid that her father would kill her boyfriend if he found out. She still thought her boyfriend loved her, even tho he nearly killed her. a few weeks after she was released from the hospital, she dropped the charges on the Ethan. But her half brother, who was investigating the case, began to suspect ,along with the other cop on the case and her aunt, that her boyfriend was the true attacker. Her half brother told her that if she dropped the charges, her attacker was likely to attack again. But she dropped the charges anyway. sure enough a day or two later (not sure, never saw the episodes actually air) her boyfriend showed up telling her to reinstate the charges. She realized that she had been wrong in blaming Ethan and refused, so her boyfriend beat her up again. he ran out of the house, the same time her mom was walking up the driveway. Her half brother talked to her after she woke up and asked her if it was her boyfriend. and she trusted him enough to tell the truth and explained it had been her boyfriend the entire time.
Kristina tells her Half Brother Dante who attacked her

now, theres a point to this, i promise!!!!

The point is, if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, dont be afraid to tell someone. I know someone who was abused. actually, i know a few. Luckily they were all saved. but thats not the case with others. some people are killed from there abusers. weather its their, gf, bf or even there parents or family members. No matter what you do wrong, no one should ever lay there hands on you! i've promised my parents that if a guy ever hits me or anything like that, i'll break up with him and NEVER give him a second chance. im not asking you people to promise me, but i want you to consider this. guys too!!  If you or someone you know are in a abusive relationship, im literally begging you, tell someone!!! Show them this blog!!! Let them know that whats happening to them is not okay! and to get help! because you never know, one day, it might be to late. and if you think you may be in a  abusive relationship, go to this website.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bullying; we need to stop it.

Alright guys, an important topic came to mind a few minutes ago. It's a topic God has really laid on my heart right now.
Bullying is probably one of the worst things going on right now. I mean, bullying is what causes most school shootings! The columbine shooting was on of the worst school shootings in America! And it was caused by bullying! Can you imagine how many lies could've been saved if people never bullied those two guys?
I've experienced bullying first hand, as have millions of others. It's a horrible thing. Let me tell you my story before I get any further into the topic here.
I was bullied at every school I went to except for preschool (as far as I remember) in elementary school (the first one I went to) I was bullied by the same two girls constantly. The reason? Because I have CURLY HAIR!! And did I mention that this was at a Christian school?
Then we moved and my brother and I started going to a new school. It was a public school and the bullying was much much worse. It was so bad that not only did I come home crying everyday, but we ended up going back to the Christian school five weeks later.
At the end of the year, we moved again (we've moved like, 7 times) and we went to a new public schooled. I was afraid because of how bad the bullying had been the last time I was at a public school. But I made amazing friends and I thought the bullying was over. But my dad had been deployed to Iraq and my friends were always there for me. But on valentines day 3rd grade, one kid who sat near me was really taunting me. He kept saying "your dads gonna die. He's not coming home" I actually started crying before one of my friends came over and yelled at him. They went "Shut up! Don't make her feel so bad." it was horrible! but luckily, my friends helped me through it and the kid didnt bother me again.
In 5th grade, i developed a small crush on a guy who was really nice and i liked him. I told my best friend and my 3 most trusted friends. My best friend (at the time) went up to him and asked me if he liked me. but he didnt hear. but, another girl did. and she told two boys who didnt like me for some reason. and they told the entire grade!  everyone was talking about it. i was so embarrassed! my 3 most trusted friends, all helped me out. when i told them that the 'rumor' was spreading they first helped me by making me smile. the went "alright, first put up your hood and take off your glasses" so i did that. my friend made me laugh me grabbing me by the shoulders and yell "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!?!?!?!?!" one of my friends, went over to the boy i liked and said it was just a nasty rumor. which, technically it was. after a few weeks, the rumors died down. only to be picked up near the end of the year! a new girl  found out that i used to like this boy and she started up the rumors again. but this time she told the kid that sat next to me at our table in class. and my crush sat right across from me. and (very loudly) he went "You like (so and so)?!?!" and my crush looked at me like, "WHAT?!??!?!" and goes "(so and so) said that was just a nasty rumor!" and i just went "it was!" and not knowing what else to do, i did the first thing that popped into mind......i went to the clinic faking an upset stomach. (i got in trouble when i got home.)
that same year, my friend who had been my best friend during 4th grade, all of a sudden became a jerk! and she kept ignoring me! so  i asked one of our mutual friends if i did something that upset her, cuz i really had no clue! the next day at recess, she stomps over to me and just yells "I want you to stop bugging my friends about me! Oh, poor me, my former friend does like me anymore! what did i do?! JUST STOP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" and i screamed back "Maybe i would stop bothering OUR friends if i knew what the heck i did!!!!" that day after school i went home sobbing.
Then i got to middle school and you all know what that means: DRAMA! one guy who i barely knew, was spreading a rumor and kept calling me a b**ch. in gym class, i told my friend i never had a boyfriend so he just said, "So you're gay?" i almost punched him. i WOULD HAVE if our teacher hadnt been standing right there! that was just the emotional bullying tho. in 6th grade, we were at the library and some jerk behind went "I WANT MY BEAN BAG CHAIR!", and SHOVED me out of the way just to get to a stupid bean bag chair. but that wasnt really an issue, considering a told my brother who found the kid and basically threatened to break his arm if he hit/hurt me again. but, thats older brothers for ya. gotta love them :) my brother is very protective of me :)
and high school, talk talk talk, rumors rumors rumors, you can probably understand that.

my point is, i was bullied a lot. and people have gone through WAY more bullying then i have.  Some are labled as gay by everyone just because of their voices (celeb examples, Justin Bieber, Jesse McCartney, Nick Jonas, need i go on?) some kids dont really even talk to people. yesterday, on the news there was a story about two girls who committed suicide at a sleepover because they were bullied. one of the girls were actually expelled from school because she stood up for her friend who was being bullied! can you believe that?! there are so many stories about teens who cut, or even end their own lives because they're bullied so much. its a horrible thing. my own cousin bullied me because i want to become a singer. and one day while i was outside with her and it was really hot i went "im so hot!" and she went "no your not." basically saying, your ugly. imagine how i felt. and that was my own cousin! so imagine if someone who you dont even know said that to you! rumors spread about kids being fat, gay, stupid or retarded, etc. sometimes its true, but thats no reason to make fun of them! we arent alone tho. everyone one has been bullied at one point or another. listen to this list of celebraties! Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Ellen, Jaden and Willow Smith, Anna Kendrick, and theres more. thats just the people i reconized. heres a video of some celebs standing up against it

Look at Demi Lovato! She went into rehab because of something bullies caused. they called her fat, which caused her to become anorexic and bulimic. she also cut. and she ended up in rehab. look, the point is, bullying needs to stop. we all need to help stop it. here is the link to a website that is trying to help stop bullying. i really encourage you to look at it.

im also gonna leave links to videos on bullying that my school did.

(Yeah, theres a lot. but they're worth watching. trust me.)

Happy Easter!! :)

Happy Easter everyone!!! :) this is gonna be pretty short. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter and remind you all the reason for Easter; The resurrection of Jesus Christ. Had he not died on that cross for our sins, we wouldnt have the chance to go to heaven and be with him. Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

my ipod has seen its final days..........

Sooooooooooooooooo, last night my cousin was over and we were watching stuff on youtube on my ipod. It was working perfectly fine! then she left and i turned it back on and it was working kinda slow. I tried to get onto one of my celebraty apps and all of a sudden the screen went white and i couldn't do anything! well, i mean, i could still play around with it and heard music but i just couldnt see anything! so i go downstairs and tell my dad and he plays around with it to try and fix it. and it still didnt work! suddenly i couldnt hear music, couldnt log into itunes with it plugged in cuz i was stupid and added a passcode, and  i couldnt even get the ipoid to turn off! like, go to the black screen. so dad gets on his laptop and looks up how to restore an ipod and that didnt work. Then i remembered how i had been able to push down on the glass in the bottem right hand corner so dad said something was loose. so he takes the glass off and he looks at everything and he realizes its broken and we cant fix it. the screen it like, broken! it can turn on now, but the touch screen just wont work. i cant unlock it or anything!! so we gave up on it and i went back upstairs. my birthday is in two weeks (as of yesterday) so dad asked me if i wanted a new ipod in stead of a guitar, but i said no because i really really want a guitar! hahahah. so he let me use his ipod (even tho i kept saying no) and i went upstairs, got on facebook and my status was :
Crap!!! Now my laptop AND my IPOD are both BROKEN!!!!!!!! I'm actually crying! :'( wow I'm pathetic. Crying over my laptop and iPod cuz my books are on there!!! So now dads letting me use his ipod 
and then like, five minutes later my brother comes in, takes dad's ipod and gives me his! he just says "Dad needs this for the VA (veterans association) use mine. i havent used it in a month!" so he goes downstairs, gives dad his ipod and now i have my brother's. my friend's dad might be able to transfer the memory from my old ipod to my brother's so i dont have to rebuy everything! haha. and about my status, i was only crying for like, five minutes. hahaha. and it was only because i write books and some parts of my books were on there!!! plus pics and music. well, hopefully my friend's dad can transfer the memory!!! fingers crossed!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Justin Bieber: Secular songs means not a Christian?!? Whatttt??!?!?!!?

I asked my friend to blog about this, which she did but cause I finally have my own blog, I'm gonna write about it. I'll leave a link to her site later cause I'm on my iPod and can't yet. Lol.

Alright, most of my friends are Bieber haters. Whenever I talk about him, they say "oh my gosh, he's so gay! Why do you like him???" my answer is always the same. "I like him because he has good music, he gives tons to charity and He's a Christian! Why do you hate him?" and they go back to the whole "he's gay" thing. So I was talking to some of my Christian friends who do like Justin. Some asked me the biggest thing I liked about him and my favorite song of his. I said "I love that he's a Born Again Christian and my favorite song is pray and born to be somebody." someone replied to me (this was on a website) and said "if he's a Christian then why is he singing secular songs?" and another said "I agree with (so and so) why is he singing secular music if he's a Christian? If he really is a Christian he should sing music that glorifies the Lord!" another said "I agree with both of them! He should sing Christian music if he is a Christian! I'm not saying he isn't a Christian just cuz he sings secular music." and so many people were saying the same thing!!!

Look, just because he sings secular music doesn't mean a thing!! In an interview, his mom said, she prayed for a long time about Justin becoming a singer after talking to Scooter. She said after praying for weeks and speaking with people from her church, she prayed again. She says, quote "God, surly this can't be your plan for him.' and she said he helped her realize that they were put on this earth for a reason and the. She understood. She asked if they needed to go into the Christian music industry and God helped her understand that this was meant to be and evangelistic thing. If he was went into the Christian music industry, he wouldn't be a light in the world like God wanted. So by going into the pop music industry, he can share his testimony and share his love for the Lord. He's human so he's obviously not perfect. But no one is! He's at least trying. He talks about his faith so much in his book, if you saw his movie, you'll see him pray a lot with his family and friends.

My point here is, just because he sings pop music, doesn't mean he can't be a Christian. He has a reason for singing the music he sings. He really loves the Lord. You can tell! We all need to stop judging people. Especially people we haven't met! It's not our place to judge, it's God's. So lets stop judging Justin and others, and leave the judging up to God.

(i'm on the laptop now so here's the link to my friend's blog.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break!! :D

Okay, I realize tons of people are already on spring break, but my school doesnt start spring break until Friday. I'm So excited!!! How's has your guy's spring break gone?(if you have already had it) for those of you who haven't had it yet, what are you planning to do for break? I'm hopefully hanging out with my cousin, watching Harry Potter 7 with my friends and seeing Soul Surfer again :D hope you all have a great spring break! And happy early Easter! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Carrie underwood! :)

Carrie Underwood is so awesome! I saw her in Soul Surfer and for her first film, she did absolutely amazing! She is very talented. her song "mama's song" is sooooo sweet! i'm going to hopefully sing that to my mom (or have someone sing it) at my wedding whenever i get married a longggggggggggg time from now! hahaah.

her song "Temporary Home" has a hidden message that only a few people can catch. "This is my temporary home. it's not where i belong.//this is just a stop on the way to where im going. im not afraid because i know, this is my Temporary home." there is a message in there. Earth is not our home. Heaven is. Earth is merely a temporary place for us. weather we're going to heaven or Hell, earth isnt our true home. Heaven is my true home. i know that for a fact. this song is a way to remind myself of that. i shouldn't get too comfortable here, because i wont be here foever. God will take  me home. My true home, when he's ready for me.

I truly believe that Carrie Underwood is a born again Christian. the way she talks and some of the messages in her songs have so many Christian meaning. i love her songs and she's a huge role model of mine.

It's amazing how she grew up singing in churches then got on American Idol. Now look at where she is! She is an amazing inspiration!

you don't have to like her music. im just stating my opinion. :)

Jeremiah 29:11

"'For I know the plans i have for you' Declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"

this verse has a lot of meaning. We don't know what God's plan for our life is. but, if we give our lives to God, he will lead us to what he wants us to do. I put my entire life into God's hand a few months ago. I became saved when i was four but i just now put God in charge of my whole life. im praying for what God wants me to do. its insane the ways he works. When i was little, i wanted to be so many things. A singer, and Actress, a teacher, and Artist, a nurse, a nurse in the airforce etc. Never in my life did i think the Lord would give me a huge passion for writing. And ever since i started praying about what God wanted for me, I've been singing every chance i got and i have a huge desire to learn to play the guitar, the drums and piano. Coincidence? maybe. but i doubt it. God has a plan for every single one of us. we have to trust him with our lives. Let him in! Give him TOTAL control over your life! believe me, he will work wonders in your life!!! i can't even tell you how many times God has answered my prayers or done something amazing for me. if you are doing something that you don't think the Lord wants you to do, get a new perspective! God will help you! We may want to do something, but God may have an entirely different plan for us! we don't know his plan, only he does. and we can only find out that plan by letting him in. just a little something to think about

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paparazzi is another word for stalker!!

Am I the only who feels this way?!? Paparazzi's are stalkers with camera's and badges!!!! I mean, it's illegal to follow someone all the time but it's okay if you have a badge and camera?! That messed up! What's wrong with people! Celebs are just like us! Just very well known. That's the only difference! They have lives too but it's hard for them to live their lives because of paps! Here are some examples:

Miley Cyrus---recently was out with her mom and a pap tried to get her picture and rushed past her mom and almost hit her! Miley FREAKED OUT! I don't like Miley personally but she had the right to be angry! Another case for Miley, she was with her little Sis for lunch and a paparazzi was recording them! Finally Miley went over and threatened to call the cops on her if she didn't knock it off and let them eat in peace. Miley's called the cops on paps before, tons of times! Paps follow her while she's driving! Can you say "instant car accident!" they cut people off just to follow her!Once she actually pulled over just to apologize to a guy that the paparazzi's cut off, then she went over to the paparazzi's car and said "Alright you got your pictures of me, now leave me alone." and they kept trying to interrupt her! Finally she just went "no, you guys keep following me, your driving dangerously, you cut a guy off and now he's calling the cops on you. your always following me so no more! you got your pictures, the guy's is calling the cops on you so leave me alone. " and she walked away!(this is a youtube video! look it up!)  And with her parents almost divorcing, the paps were following her every chance she was outside!

Justin Bieber-on his 17th bday, paps surrounded his car snapping pics and he couldn't even move his car! so he kept beeping the horn and they wouldn't move! well, some did but only like, 3 out of 30. Really?!?! so he started driving very slowly and almost ran over a paparazzi's foot. (i talked to my dad about that and the paparazzi was at fault.) and just today, he's  is in Israel right now with his family. He wanted to meet the prime minister while he was in Israel.the prime minister agreed but then canceled cuz Bieber wouldn't visit children affected by disaster. He wanted too but the paps were literally keeping him trapped at his hotel! All he wanted was to have a great experience in the Holy Land! But now he can't enjoy his week in Israel with his family because of the paparazzi! look at these tweets from today!

(this was from yesterday) justinbieber: im in the holy land and i am grateful for that. I just want to have the same personal experience that others have here. 

(then it all went down hill from there.)

 justinbieber:You would think paparazzi would have some respect in holy places. All I wanted was the chance to walk where Jesus did here in isreal.

justinbieber:They should be ashamed of themselves. Take pictures of me eating but not in a place of prayer, ridiculous      
(this one amazes me ^ seriously, have some respect paparazzi!!!)

justinbieber:Staying in the hotel for the rest of the week u happy?

justinbieber:It's not the fans, and some of the paps were nice enough to leave. But some people just don't have respect

justinbieber:i want to see this country and all the places ive dreamed of and whether its the paps or being pulled into politics its been frustrating

there are MUCH MORE examples but these are the most recent that i can find. what do you think about paparazzi's? am i alone here?? i hope not.   

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bethany Hamilton!

Alright, this is my first blog and right now i've been thinking a lot about Bethany Hamilton's amazing story! She is incredible for getting back on her board 3 weeks after having her arm taken by a 14ft long tiger shark. Her faith played a huge part and still does. She always puts God first and i admire that! she is my # one inspiration, and my role model. personally, im terrified of sharks, and if i was surfing one day and got attacked by one, i know, i wouldnt get back in the water to surf for AT LEAST two years. i would just swim at pools and i would probably never set foot in the ocean for a VERY long time. So how she was able to get back on her board 3 weeks after the attack, its just amazing. And the fact that she won the NSSA championships a year later is even more incredible! Bethany Hamilton is such an inspiration to so many people. She's an inspiration to me and so many of my friends and i would very much like to meet her one day!